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But leaving aside such wholly irrelevant lies, generally speaking a lie told in the making of the claim, whether collateral or otherwise, is told with the aim of affecting the behaviour of the insurer. Section 4 defines the jurisdiction of the Court and runs a. By way of example, I would mention two possible exceptions. And the insurer, before he learns the truth, may be influenced in his behaviour in these or other ways, by the lie. The High Court is expected to know better than the Governor in regard to the suitability or otherwise of a person, be- longing either to the Judicial Service or to the Bar, to be appointed as a District Judge.

Higher Judicial Service Rules for recruitment of District Judges, which were similar, if not almost identical, with the Rules in this appeal, came up for consideration by this Court in Chandra Mohan V. It is NRI Lawyers not difficult in NRI most situations to ask, a-propos the collateral lie, whether it was told intending the insurer to act in reliance on it, nor whether it did in fact affect the insurer’s behaviour during the period before he found out the truth.

Section 3 lays down that the District Courts shall be the courts having NRI Legal jurisdiction under the Act. „With great respect, I find it difficult to believe that the parliamentary draftsman would have intended to make provision that there should be no civil right or remedy by using the formula of section 1 of the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969, ‘shall insure’, followed by section 5 ‘shall be guilty of an offence’; as contrasted with the formula of declaring an act or omission to be unlawful and then separately providing a criminal penalty for the breach.

(2) the Registrar may on receipt of such reference- (a) decide the dispute himself, or (b) transfer it for disposal to any person exercising the powers of a Registrar in this behalf, or (c) subject to any rules, refer it for disposal to an arbitrator or arbitrators. The aim may be to speed up the acceptance of liability, or to avoid further enquiry, or there may be many other reasons. First, where one of the parties, especially the defendant, is in a class which is intended to be protected by the criminal legislation involved, it may well be inappropriate to invoke the Rule.

233 and further held that the appointments made thereunder were illegal. There will no doubt be other exceptions, but I do not think that that undermines the usefulness of having the Rule as the prima facie or presumptive approach. That is the whole point of it. Secondly, there could well be no recovery (or only partial recovery) by a plaintiff where the defendant was unaware of the facts which gave rise to the illegality – especially if he had received the money and had altered his position so that it might be oppressive to expect him to repay it.

-, follows :- „(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Court shall have full power to decide all questions whether of title or priority, or of any nature whatsoever, and whether involving matters of law or of fact, which may arise in any case of insolvency coming within the cognizance of the Court, or which the Court may deem it expedient or necessary to decide for the purpose of doing complete justice or making a complete distribution of property in any such case.

The genuinely burgled householder who was unquestionably absent at the time but lies about where he was to avoid domestic embarrassment would be another example. As he explained, Lord Mansfield, at p 698, regarded it as in the public interest that the plaintiff should be repaid notwithstanding the illegal purpose of the payment: In Smith v Bromley (the earliest case in which the maxim in pari delicto appears to have been used) Lord Mansfield granted recovery to the plaintiff of money paid by the plaintiff to procure her brother’s discharge from bankruptcy, which was an illegal consideration.

There may be the occasional NRI case of a lie which is simply irrelevant to the laying of the claim and is told for some different reason, such as the lies in The Litsion Pride (to hide the fact that the insured had been trying to evade his liability to pay the additional premium) and NRI The Mercandian Continent (to support the insurers’ wish to litigate in Trinidad rather than in London). (1) The power conferred by subsection (3) is exercisable where the Secretary of State receives any process or other document to which this section applies from the government of, or other authority in, a country outside the United Kingdom, together with a request for the process or document to be served on a person in NRI Legal services the United Kingdom.

After an analysis of the said Rules, this Court held that the said Rules were not in consonance with and contravened Art. The exercise of the power of appointment by the Governor is conditioned by his consultation nrilegalservices with the High Court, that is to say, he can only appoint a person to the post of District Judge in consultation with the High Court. The Court observed :- „The Constitutional mandate of Art. State of Uttar Pradesh(1). (I discuss in paras 172-175 below with the test for determining whether it is appropriate to apply the Rule in any particular case).

The object of consultation is apparent. Such disputes may be amongst members, past members, persons claiming through members, past members or deceased member and sureties of members, past members or deceased members, or between the society and any past or present officer, agent or servant of the society.

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