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In that case, this Court held that the income of a deceased solicitor received by his heirs subsequent to the previous year in which he died was not liable to be assessed to income-tax under a. 24B as his income in the hands of his heirs, and apart from s. If the shippers had not produced either clean Bills of Lading or Certificates of Insurance as required under the letters of credit then certainly the shippers could not have realised the money from the bank. With such description in the Bills of Lading it is extremely doubtful whether even the under- writers would have legal service in Chandigarh insured the goods as required under the letters of credit.
25(1), and, in my opinion, rightly. Otherwise a mere assertion of efficacy would be enough. In fact it was for the very purpose of enabling the shippers to obtain monies from the banks that they wanted clean Bills of Lading and were prepared to give letters of indemnity to the shipping company. Having received written and oral evidence from the wife, the judge found that she had been unable satisfactorily to explain why the sum owing had increased or in what way the increase had been spent.
In 2006 the wife sold the house top lawyer in Chandigarh Weybridge at the price for which she had bought it, namely £345,000. A number of relevant developments in the law best advocate in Chandigarh have occurred since Sempra Metals. As was noted above, that judgment described the sum due under EU law firms, where tax was paid prematurely, and on the hypothesis that the appropriate remedy in domestic law lay in best Chandigarh lawyers restitution, as „the amount of interest which would have been generated by the sum, use of which was lost as a result of the premature levy of the tax“ (para 88).
lm0 Thus, if the Bills of Lading were unclean certainly the banks would not have paid the money to the shippers. But this does not mean that the specification is sufficient if there is neither experimental data nor any other reason to deduce from the specification that the claim to therapeutic efficacy is plausible. More recent judgments have provided greater clarity. Sufficiency turns on what the patentee has disclosed. In the instant case, the assessee is alive,. „The definition of an invention as being a contribution to the art, ie as solving a technical problem and not merely putting forward one, requires that it is at least made plausible by the disclosure in the application that its teaching solves indeed the problem it purports to solve.
Shroff(1) is entirely distinguish- able. and no question of assessment under s. In that judgment the Court of Appeal held that a taxpayer was entitled to reimbursement of lawful ACT, which HMRC had retained because it had been set against an unlawful MCT charge. That sub-section gives an option to the Revenue to make an assessment in the year of the discontinuance of the business or profession on the basis of the income of the period between the end of the previous year and the date of the discontinuance in addition to the assessment, if any, made on the basis of the income of the, previous year, The sub-section does not preclude the Revenue from making an assessment on the professional income under any other section of the Act.
In that event it may be necessary for the patentee to point to experimental data to rebut the allegation. First, the jurisprudence of the CJEU has developed since its Metallgesellschaft judgment. Thus although it is not a breach of section 20 to keep a child in accommodation for a long period without bringing care proceedings, it may well be a breach of other duties under the Act and Regulations or unreasonable in public law terms to do so. In the present case, there could be no question of the accused having intended to outrage the modesty of the child or having known that his act was likely to have that result, because, though the victim is a „woman“ under the Penal Code, no reasonable man would say that a female child of that age was possessed of womanly modesty.
Therefore, even if supplementary post-published evidence may top lawyers in Chandigarh the proper circumstances also be taken into consideration, it may not serve as the sole basis to establish that the application solves indeed the problem it purports to solve. In some cases there may also be breaches of the child’s or the parents’ rights under article 8 of ECHR. It must always be necessary for the patentee to demonstrate that he has included in the specification something that makes the claim to therapeutic efficacy plausible.
The decision, like the decision in IPSEN , is authority for the proposition that experimental data are not essential to sufficiency unless it is being positively alleged with „convincing“ supporting evidence that the invention does not work. The decision is not authority for saying that the objector has the onus of showing that it is implausible. But the sum owing on mortgage had risen by £93,000 to £218,000.
The court held that such ACT related directly to the unlawful MCT because the CJEU treated ACT as an advance payment of MCT: FII CA paras 148-151. The decision advocate in Chandigarh The Commissioner of Income-tax, Bombay City 1, Bombay v. This issue was not argued in the courts below because Henderson J and the Court of Appeal, when considering this case, were bound by the Court of Appeal’s earlier decision in Test Claimants in the FII Group Litigation v Revenue and Customs Comrs [2010] EWCA Civ 103; [2010] STC 1251 („FII CA“).
24B arises, Neither side relied on s. 24B, no assesment can be made best legal service in Chandigarh respect of a person after his death.